6 months for the European Rights of Nature Tribunal
Today July 9th – Tribunal coming up in 6 months January 9th 2021
July 9th – only 6 months to go for the European Rights of Nature Tribunal – coming up January 9th, 2021 Marseille – France
Today, July 10th we are happy to announce the launch of the campaign and site for the European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems. The Tribunal will take place 6 months from now, in January 2021. Please click on the following link to find out more!
The The European Hub of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature is launching the «RIGHTS OF AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS» Tribunal to provide a systemic solution, recognizing the rights of ecosystems to exist and to be maintained as part of their intrinsic value, and allowing these rights to be claimed in court.
Five critical aquatic ecosystem cases on the sidelines of the IUCN Congress being held in January 2021: Balkan Rivers, French Guiana, the Mer de Glace glacier, red muds in Marseille, and the Vättern Lake Case.
In January 2021, the World Congress of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) will be held in Marseille gathering participants from all over the world representing governments and the most influential organizations on nature conservation. This forum offers a unique opportunity to highlight Rights of Nature as a solution for biodiversity conservation, and to participate in international decision making.
The current ecological crisis requires us to transform our international and domestic legal systems to nurture the Earth Community, rather than allow its destruction.
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal is a unique, citizen-created initiative that gives people from all around the world the opportunity to testify publicly as to the destruction of the Earth—destruction that governments and corporations not only allow, but in some cases encourage.
An esteemed panel of international Tribunal judges will then make recommendations for Earth’s protection and restoration.The Tribunal provides a systemic alternative to environmental protection, acknowledging that ecosystems have the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate their vital cycles, with legal standing in a court of law.
The current ecological crisis requires that we transform our international and domestic legal systems to nurture the Earth Community, rather than allow its destruction.
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal is a unique, citizen-led initiative that gives people from all around the world the opportunity to testify publicly as to the destruction of the Earth—destruction that governments and corporations not only allow, but in some cases encourage.
An esteemed panel of international Tribunal judges will then make recommendations for Earth’s protection and restoration, based on the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth. Among other things, the Declaration binds us to respect the integrity of the vital ecological processes of the Earth and helps advance proposed amendments to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to recognize the crime of Ecocide.
The Tribunal provides a systemic alternative to environmental protection, acknowledging that ecosystems have the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate their vital cycles, with legal standing in a court of law.