The International Rights of Nature Tribunal has been created to provide systemic Rights of Nature based alternatives to the false solutions and failed negotiations of governing Nation States.
This “People’s Tribunal” provides a vehicle for reframing and adjudicating prominent environmental and social justice cases within the context of a Rights of Nature based earth jurisprudence. The adjudication process provides a platform for informed legal analysis of diverse cases based on Rights of Nature. With each case, the Tribunal will recommend actions for reparation, mitigation, restoration and prevention of further damages and harm.
The Tribunal provides a framework for educating civil society and governments on the fundamental tenets of Rights of Nature and an instrument for legal experts to examine constructs needed to more fully integrate Rights of Nature.
Rights of Nature is a new approach to environmental law, which views nature not as a series of resources that human beings can use, but as a living subject with its own interests and rights.
The International Rights of Nature Tribunal has been created to provide systemic Rights of Nature based alternatives to the false solutions and failed negotiations of governing Nation States.
This “People’s Tribunal” provides a vehicle for reframing and adjudicating prominent environmental and social justice cases within the context of a Rights of Nature based Earth Jurisprudence.
To make the Rights of Nature an inextricable part of our legal system and society demonstrating how courts and judges should treat environmental cases through Right of Nature Tribunals .
The Tribunal provides a framework for raising awareness and educating civil society and governments on the fundamental tenets of Rights of Nature and an instrument for legal experts to examine constructs needed to more fully integrate Rights of Nature.
- That the interests of nonhuman beings are of equal importance to human interests.
- That we as a society need a fundamental paradigm shift in how we relate to Nature.
- That our survival as a species is dependent upon our capacity for change at this fundamental juncture in history.
- That the ideas that we promote are a fundamental tool that can change humanity’s prospects for the better.
- That the adjudication process provides a platform for informed legal analysis of diverse cases based on the Rights of Nature and Earth Jurisprudence.
Constituting Documents
Tribunal Statutes
Tribunal Convention
Inspired by the International War Crimes Tribunal and the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, established by citizens to investigate and publicize human rights violations, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) created a new international governing institution: the International Rights of Nature Tribunal (IRoNT). Just as the War Crimes Tribunal and the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal provided social pressure to create and strengthen international human rights law, the International Tribunal for the RoN was designed to foster international Rights of Nature law. The IRoNT has been created to provide systemic Rights of Nature based alternatives to the false solutions and failed negotiations of governing Nation States. It was officially established in January 2014.
Inspired by the International War Crimes Tribunal and the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal, established by citizens to investigate and publicize human rights violations, the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) created a new international governing institution: the International Rights of Nature Tribunal (IRoNT). Just as the War Crimes Tribunal and the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal provided social pressure to create and strengthen international human rights law, the International Tribunal for the RoN was designed to foster international Rights of Nature law. The IRoNT has been created to provide systemic Rights of Nature based alternatives to the false solutions and failed negotiations of governing Nation States. It was officially established in January 2014.