tribunal verdicts reading

Tribunal Verdicts Reading Event: From the Glaciers to the Oceans – Rights of the European Aquatic Ecosystems

Following the five hearings of our European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems, which took place online from January to May 2021, we now have the pleasure of inviting you to the Tribunal Verdicts Reading Day on Saturday, September 4th.
The event will be held in person in Marseille, France at Coco Velten and online via the International Rights of Nature Tribunal and GARN Europe Facebook pages.
This full-day event will consist of a series of panels with guests, discussions, and Tribunal verdict readings, centering on the subject of water ecosystems and water cycles in Europe.

Tribunal Verdicts Reading Program πŸ‘‡


tribunal verdicts reading
πŸ”Έ 9.30 – 10.00: Press conference
πŸ”Έ 10.00 – 10.15: Opening speech: Presentation of the history of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature – GARN movement and the objectives of the European Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems
πŸ”Έ 10.15 – 10.30: Presentation of the campaign for the Rights of Aquatic Ecosystems and the five cases of the Tribunal.
πŸ”Έ 10.30 – 11.45: 1st panel – Water cycle, the impact of climate change, with Camille Etienne (TBC), activist, Valérie Cabanes, legal expert in the Rights of Nature, Nina Salaun (Notre Affaire à Tous), presentation of the case of the disappearance of the Mer de Glace glacier, Alps
πŸ”Έ 11.45 – 13.15: 2nd panel – Water pollution, the poison in our veins, with Valentin Vasselon, environmental DNA expert, Tom Goldtooth (TBC) and video of the voices of the French Guianan people against illegal gold mining in French Guiana, Carina Gustafsson, representative of the Lake Vattern pollution case, Sweden
πŸ”Έ 13.15 – 14.30: Lunch break
πŸ”Έ 14.30 – 15.45: 3rd panel – Breaking the water cycle – How to restore the balance, with Jeanne Burgart Goutal, researcher, expert in ecofeminism, Rivières Sauvages network (Martin Arnould or Denis Caudron), Zoe Lujic (Earth Thrive) and Richard Falk for the case of hydroelectric dams in the Balkans, Marine Testut (Nature Rights) for a new approach to restorative justice
πŸ”Έ 15.45 – 17.00: 4th panel – Ecocide, the fight of the guardians of nature, with Guy Kulitza, citizen of the Citizen’s Climate Convention, Jean Ronan le Pen (ZEA) and Gérard Carrodano (witness) for the Red mud ecocide in the Mediterranean sea case, Marine Calmet (Wild Legal) for the Guardians of Nature and the recognition of ecocide
πŸ”Έ 17.00 – 17.30: Artistic time – Interpret collective, mapping ecocide: the case of red mud pollution in the Mediterranean sea
πŸ”Έ 17.30 – 18.30: Closure session – Presentation of the judgments relating to the five cases of the Tribunal in Defense of Aquatic Ecosystems.
Presentation of the proposal for the protection of the water cycle in Europe.
Closing speech: Become the guardians of aquatic ecosystems!
πŸ”Έ 20.30 – 23.00: Film – Tikopia, with Corto Fajal, film director. With preview of the trailer for the film Impunity by Alizee Dubois.

Tribunal Verdicts Reading Program in French:


tribunal verdicts reading 
Don’t miss the Tribunal Verdicts Reading event!

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