Assembly of Judges

The judges of the International Rights of Nature Tribunal hearings are personalities among which many have a direct connection to or defend the threatened ecosystems that are part of their cosmology or traditional knowledge. The diversity and interdisciplinarity of these panels stem from the varied backgrounds of the judges, who are eminent academics, practitioners, activists, lawyers and jurists. Here, you can explore the esteemed panels of judges from past Tribunals. They are organized according to the type of tribunal international-regional-local, and chronologically. 

Collectively, these judges form the International Rights of Nature Judges Assembly, the decision-making body of the Tribunal. They collaboratively decide on future hearings, panels, and interventions of the Tribunal and provide strategic guidance to its initiatives.

illustration tree of life birds red yellow black

Quito Tribunal Quito Tribunal 2014

Glasgow Tribunal 2021

Europe Tribunal 2021

Chile Tribunal 2019

Bonn Tribunal 2017

Paris Tribunal 2015

Lima Tribunal 2014

Tipnis Tribunal 2014

Regional Tribunals

(Chiquitanía-Bolivia, Lake Vättern-Sweden, Rio Dolce-Brazil, Yasuni-Ecuador, Great Barrier Reef-Australia, Chevron and Delta Ecosystem-San Francisco USA)