Jacqueline Arriagada
Campesina de la comuna de Quillón (región de Ñuble) y ex dirigenta nacional de ANAMURI (Asociación Nacional de Mujeres Rurales e Indígenas), parte de la coordinación de la Interregional Centro ANAMURI y Vicepresidenta de Slow Food Chile. Ex-Dirigenta de Comités de Allegados, Secretaria del Comité de Desarrollo del Centro de Salud Rural de la Comuna de Quillón Ha participado de luchas emblemáticas por la soberanía alimentaria, la práctica agroecológica y la defensa de las semillas a nivel regional, nacional e internacional. Por varios años ha sido una voz disidente al extractivismo forestal y del agronegocio en el país.
Peasant from the commune of Quillón (Ñuble region) and former national leader of ANAMURI (National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women), part of the coordination of the Interregional Center ANAMURI and Vice President of Slow Food Chile. Former leader of Comités de Allegados, Secretary of the Development Committee of the Rural Health Center of the Commune of Quillón. She has participated in emblematic struggles for food sovereignty, agroecological practice and the defense of seeds at regional, national and international level. For several years she has been a dissident voice against forestry extractivism and agribusiness in the country.