Arturo Escobar
Arturo Escobar (Colombia) is a professor of anthropology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Associate Researcher at the Culture / Memory / Nation Group of the Universidad del Valle in Cali and the Cultural Studies Group at the Javeriana University (Bogotá). His main interests are: political ecology, ontological design, and the anthropology of development, social movements, and technoscience. During the last twenty-five years he has collaborated with Afro-Colombian organizations and social movements in the Colombian Pacific region, particularly the Black Communities Process (PCN). His best-known book is The Invention of Development. His most recent books are Territories of Difference: Place, movement, life, networks; Feel with the Earth. New readings on development, territory and difference; Autonomy and design: The realization of the communal; and Another possible is possible: Walking towards transitions from Abya Yala / Afro / Latin-America.