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International Tribunal of Climate Justice and Nature

A call to action to heads of state and government, United Nations and international organizations, non-governmental organizations, social movements, indigenous peoples’ organizations, local municipalities, climate justice movements.

We, judges of the International Tribunal for the Rights of Nature, gathered in Glasgow on the occasion of the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, express our deep concern about the absence of solid and effective actions to address the climate crisis in its multiple aspects, which already constitute a systemic and civilizational crisis, rooted in the dominant extractive and anthropocentric capitalist paradigm. 

International Rights of Nature Tribunal

Declaration - Indigenous Council

It is public knowledge that, for many years now, the world has been going through a grave climate crisis. Those most responsible for this crisis are not assuming their political and human responsibility to deal with this problem. As a result, the harmonious balance between humanity and Mother Earth has been fractured, endangering the present and future of life on Earth. We, the Original Peoples and Nations, are deeply connected with the defense and preservation of nature; it is an essential part of our being. Throughout the years, we have warned the world about this systemic crisis and that we must recover our dignity and responsibility in the care of life. Indigenous Peoples own 32% of the global territory and 80% of the best-conserved biodiversity on the planet, which represents a fundamental contribution to the struggle against the climate crisis.